Talking About Tow Services

Talking About Tow Services

What To Do If You Slide Off The Road And Get Stuck In The Snow

Rose Perkins

Driving in snowy weather conditions can be frightening and dangerous. If you slide off the road and are stuck in the snow, it is important that you do not panic. You need to assess the situation to see if your vehicle is in a safe location. Then you can try to get your vehicle out of the snow. If you cannot safely move your vehicle, you should call a professional for assistance.

Assess the situation

If your vehicle is undamaged, but is stuck, you need to quickly assess whether you are in a safe location or not. If you are not completely off the road, oncoming traffic could slide into your car. Also, before you attempt to get out of your vehicle, make sure that you are stopped in a place where other vehicles can see that you are in trouble. Keep your driving lights and hazard lights on to warn other vehicles to keep their distance. This will also help other cars realize that they need to slow down so that they do not slide off the road too. 

Make sure that all passengers in your car keep their safety belts on. Check to make sure that your exhaust pipe is not covered. If the exhaust pipe is obstructed, gasses could build up in your vehicle and cause injury or death to its occupants through carbon monoxide poisoning.

Try to move your vehicle

If the snow is not very deep, and traffic is not a concern, you can try to free your vehicle by yourself. Place your car mats in front of your tires and then try to gain traction by rocking your vehicle back and forth. Do this by alternating putting your car in drive and in reverse to get some movement. You can also use any sharp objects that you have to dig away at the ice and snow surrounding your vehicle. Use caution if you do this, and have a passenger keep an eye on oncoming traffic to make sure that no traffic is drifting towards you.

When to call for help

If you cannot move your vehicle and weather conditions are worsening, you should call for help. You do not want to risk running out of gas and being stuck in freezing temperatures. If you feel that you have come to stop in an unsafe spot then do not attempt to move your car on your own. Call for help. An emergency towing vehicle can help you get back on the road quickly and safely. 


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Talking About Tow Services

Hi there, I'm Isaac Johnson. I created this site to share my experiences with local towing services. I often pick up broken down cars and have them transported to my home on a flatbed truck. During these excursions, I talk with the tow truck drivers about their equipment and services. I would like to share information about the different types of tow trucks used to move disabled vehicles from place to place. I also want to talk about the techniques used to hook up and transport the car. Please visit my site anytime to discuss this topic in more detail. Thank you for visiting my website.
