Talking About Tow Services

Talking About Tow Services

How to Have a Vehicle Towed from the Entrance to Your Business' Loading Ramp

Rose Perkins

There are times when people do not pay attention to where they park when they are in a city. There are signs posted that indicate where people can and cannot park, but some people are not used to the signs and do not take the time to read them properly. If someone has parked in a spot that blocks the entrance to the loading zone of your business, you can have the vehicle towed. Here is how to have the vehicle towed so that you do not have to worry about dealing with any repercussion for the tow.

Contact Parking Enforcement

Before having the vehicle towed, take the time to contact parking enforcement for your jurisdiction so that a parking enforcement officer can come and document that the vehicle is in fact parked in a no parking zone. You need to provide the enforcement agency with the location of the vehicle and try to meet the officer at the vehicle so that you can get permission from them to have the vehicle towed.

Contact the Towing Company

Contact the towing company and give them information about the vehicle that needs to be towed. If you notice that the vehicle is low to the ground, lifted, or a motorcycle you need to let the towing company know because they may need to bring a flatbed tow truck in order to tow the vehicle rather than a traditional tow truck. Be sure to give the company as much information about the vehicle as you can to ensure that they tow the proper vehicle when they come. If possible, meet the tow truck driver by the vehicle so that you can get information regarding the tow.

Prepare to Talk to the Vehicle Owner

After you have the vehicle towed, be prepared to talk to the owner of the vehicle when he or she realizes that it has been towed. They will more than likely be a bit upset that the vehicle was towed and giving them the information that they need to be able to find their vehicle as soon as possible can help to lessen some of the stress from the situation. If the person starts to become irate with you, contact the police and have an officer come to mediate the situation right away.

The cost to have the vehicle towed will have to be paid by the owner of the vehicle. It will cost you nothing to have the vehicle removed so that you can use your loading ramp efficiently. For more information on towing, talk to a professional like Kingsway Towing Group.


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About Me
Talking About Tow Services

Hi there, I'm Isaac Johnson. I created this site to share my experiences with local towing services. I often pick up broken down cars and have them transported to my home on a flatbed truck. During these excursions, I talk with the tow truck drivers about their equipment and services. I would like to share information about the different types of tow trucks used to move disabled vehicles from place to place. I also want to talk about the techniques used to hook up and transport the car. Please visit my site anytime to discuss this topic in more detail. Thank you for visiting my website.
