Talking About Tow Services

Talking About Tow Services

3 Pro Ways To Avoid Damaging Your Vehicle Further During The Towing Process

Rose Perkins

Vehicle breakdowns happen when you least expect them. They typically occur when you are in the middle of nowhere, which can be very inconvenient. You should know that the first step is getting to safety and calling the towing service. Most people get engrossed with these two steps and forget that while the towing service moves the vehicle, it still needs protection from damage. Here are three pro ways to avoid damaging your car while it's being towed. 

Disengage the Emergency Brake

It is standard procedure to engage the emergency brakes when faced with a tire blowout, imminent collision, and other road safety issues. When the vehicle comes to a stop, people rush to check whether they are hurt and forget to disengage the brakes. An attempt to tow a car whose emergency brakes are still engaged is problematic and will lead to mechanical issues later. Professional towing companies perform a standard check and inform you if you left the brakes on. However, you should check and fix the problem before they do. 

Turn Off the All-wheel Drive

More vehicles break down when trying to maneuver through rough terrain. Therefore, they stop working when the all-wheel-drive function is engaged. Few people remember they had used the all-wheel-drive when calling the towing service. It can make the vehicle very hard to tow and interfere with its mechanical parts. Remember to restore the car to the two-wheel-drive setting. The setting makes it simpler to move the broken-down auto vehicle. You can inform the towing company to adjust if you are not in the position to do it. 

Realign the Tires to the Front

It is also advisable to realign the tires to the front before the towing service takes it away. It is common to make countless maneuvers when the vehicle is nearly breaking down. You make the moves when attempting to align it and get it back on the road. However, sometimes some of the wheels face other directions when the vehicle breaks down completely. You should not tow a car whose tires face the side because it will be hard to do more. The tires will also get dragged and get massive damage.

These are simple regulations to follow when involved in an accident and when contacting a towing company. Consult with the experts when they arrive at the scene and ask for their help to align with the three aspects, or better yet, go to site right now for more information. Your vehicle will get to the auto shop without further damage.


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Talking About Tow Services

Hi there, I'm Isaac Johnson. I created this site to share my experiences with local towing services. I often pick up broken down cars and have them transported to my home on a flatbed truck. During these excursions, I talk with the tow truck drivers about their equipment and services. I would like to share information about the different types of tow trucks used to move disabled vehicles from place to place. I also want to talk about the techniques used to hook up and transport the car. Please visit my site anytime to discuss this topic in more detail. Thank you for visiting my website.
